Modules Menu

The module menu context is used to interact with, and configure, a module. Use the modules command to enter the modules menu from any other menu.

Prefix any command with help (e.g., help run) to view the command’s help information. Use any of the following flags after a command name to view the help information for that command: help, -h, --help, ?, /?

While the help information below shows a number of commands, only the following commands are unique to just the modules menu:

Help menu from the root modules menu:

Merlin» modules
Merlin[modules]» help

   COMMAND  |          DESCRIPTION           |             USAGE
  !         | Execute a command on the local | ! command [args]
            | system                         |
  back      | Go to the main menu            | back
  banner    | Display the Merlin ASCII art   | banner
            | banner                         |
  clear     | Cancel all Agent jobs that     | clear
            | have not been sent             |
  debug     | Switch debug output to the     | debug
            | console on or off              |
  interact  | Interact with an agent or a    | interact {agentID|listenerID}
            | listener                       |
  listeners | Move to the listeners menu     | listeners
  main      | Go to the Main menu            | main
  modules   | Move to the modules menu       | modules
  quit      | Stop and exit Merlin           | quit [-y]
  sessions  | List established Agent         | sessions
            | sessions                       |
  use       | Select a protocol to create a  | use protocol
            | listener for                   |
  verbose   | Switch verbose output to the   | verbose
            | console on or off              |

Help menu from a selected module:

Merlin[modules]» use windows/x64/powershell/powersploit/Invoke-Mimikatz
Merlin[modules][windows/x64/powershell/powersploit/Invoke-Mimikatz]» help

   COMMAND  |          DESCRIPTION           |             USAGE
  !         | Execute a command on the local | ! command [args]
            | system                         |
  back      | Go to the main menu            | back
  banner    | Display the Merlin ASCII art   | banner
            | banner                         |
  clear     | Cancel all Agent jobs that     | clear
            | have not been sent             |
  debug     | Switch debug output to the     | debug
            | console on or off              |
  info      | Show information about the     | info
            | module                         |
  interact  | Interact with an agent or a    | interact {agentID|listenerID}
            | listener                       |
  listeners | Move to the listeners menu     | listeners
  main      | Go to the Main menu            | main
  modules   | Move to the modules menu       | modules
  quit      | Stop and exit Merlin           | quit [-y]
  reload    | reload the module to reset the | reload
            | module's state                 |
  run       | Execute the module             | run
  sessions  | List established Agent         | sessions
            | sessions                       |
  set       | set the value of a             | set key value
            | configurable module option     |
  show      | Show the module's configurable | show
            | options                        |
  verbose   | Switch verbose output to the   | verbose
            | console on or off              |



USAGE: ! command [args]

Any command that begins with a ! (a.k.a bang or exclamation point) will be executed on host itself where the Merlin server is running. This is useful when you want simple information, such as your interface address, without having to open a new terminal.


There must be a space after the ! for the command to be executed.

Merlin» ! ip a show ens32

[i] Executing system command...

[+] 2: ens32: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 00:0c:29:z3:ff:91 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute ens32
       valid_lft 1227sec preferred_lft 1227sec
    inet6 fe80::a71d:1f6a:a0d1:7985/64 scope link noprefixroute
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever




USAGE: back

The back command is used to leave the Module menu and return back to the Main Menu.

Merlin[module][Invoke-Mimikatz]» back



USAGE: clear

The clear command will cancel all jobs in the queue that have not been sent to the agent yet. This command will only clear jobs for the current agent.

Merlin[agent][c1090dbc-f2f7-4d90-a241-86e0c0217786]» clear
[+] jobs cleared for agent c1090dbc-f2f7-4d90-a241-86e0c0217786



USAGE: debug

The debug command is a switch used to enable or disable debug output to the console.

Merlin[agent][13f6ebee-78ec-4414-a04c-74188b95c01c]» debug
[+] 2023-10-19T12:16:13Z Debug output enabled
Merlin[agent][13f6ebee-78ec-4414-a04c-74188b95c01c]» debug
[+] 2023-10-19T12:16:15Z Debug output disabled



USAGE: info

The info command command is used to print all of the information about a module to the screen. This information includes items such as module’s name, authors, credits, description, notes, and configurable options.

Merlin[modules][windows/x64/powershell/powersploit/Invoke-Mimikatz]» info
[i] 2023-10-25T02:50:48Z
'Invoke-Mimikatz' module information

Module Authors:
        Russel Van Tuyl (@Ne0nd0g)
        Joe Bialek (@JosephBialek)
        Benjamin Delpy (@gentilkiwi)
        This script leverages Mimikatz 2.2.0 and Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection to reflectively load Mimikatz completely in memory. This allows you to do things such as dump credentials without ever writing the mimikatz binary to disk. The script has a ComputerName parameter which allows it to be executed against multiple computers. This script should be able to dump credentials from any version of Windows through Windows 8.1 that has PowerShell v2 or higher installed.

      NAME     | VALUE | REQUIRED |          DESCRIPTION
  Agent        |       | true     | Agent on which to run module
               |       |          | Invoke-Mimikatz
  DumpCreds    | true  | false    | [Switch]Use mimikatz to dump
               |       |          | credentials out of LSASS.
  DumpCerts    |       | false    | [Switch]Use mimikatz to export
               |       |          | all private certificates
               |       |          | (even if they are marked
               |       |          | non-exportable).
  Command      |       | false    | Supply mimikatz a custom
               |       |          | command line. This works
               |       |          | exactly the same as running
               |       |          | the mimikatz executable
               |       |          | like this: mimikatz
               |       |          | "privilege::debug exit" as an
               |       |          | example.
  ComputerName |       | false    | Optional, an array of
               |       |          | computernames to run the
               |       |          | script on.
        Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1 is currently part of the Empire project and was originally part of the PowerSploit project



USAGE: interact {agentID|listenerID}

The interact command takes one argument, the agent ID, and is used to switch agents and interact with a different, specified agent.


Use the built-in tab completion to cycle through and select the agent to interact with.

Merlin[module][BASH]» interact c1090dbc-f2f7-4d90-a241-86e0c0217786



USAGE: listeners

The listeners command moves to the Listeners menu.

Merlin[agent][c1090dbc-f2f7-4d90-a241-86e0c0217786]» listeners



USAGE: main

The main command is used to leave the Agent menu and return back to the Main Menu. It is an alias for the back command.

Merlin[module][Invoke-Mimikatz]» main



USAGE: reload

The reload command is used to clear out all of a module’s configurable options and return its settings to the default state.

Merlin[module][Invoke-Mimikatz]» reload
[+] 2023-10-25T03:15:51Z The 'Invoke-Mimikatz' module was reloaded



USAGE: run

The run command is used to execute the module on the agent configured for the module’s [agent](#set-agent) value.

Merlin[module][Invoke-Mimikatz]» run
Merlin[module][Invoke-Mimikatz]» [-]Created job iReycchrck for agent ebf1b1d2-44d5-4f85-86f5-cae112600870
[+]Results for job iReycchrck
  .#####.   mimikatz 2.1 (x64) built on Nov 10 2016 15:31:14
 .## ^ ##.  "A La Vie, A L'Amour"
 ## / \ ##  /* * *
 ## \ / ##   Benjamin DELPY `gentilkiwi` ( )
 '## v ##'             (oe.eo)
  '#####'                                     with 20 modules * * */



USAGE: sessions

The sessions command is used to quickly list information about established agents from the module menu to include their status. The sessions command is available from any menu in the CLI.

Merlin[module][BASH]» sessions

               AGENT GUID              |    TRANSPORT    |   PLATFORM    |      HOST       |        USER         |                 PROCESS                  | STATUS | LAST CHECKIN |      NOTE
  d07edfda-e119-4be2-a20f-918ab701fa3c | HTTP/2 over TLS | linux/amd64   | ubuntu          | rastley             | main(200769)                             | Active | 0:00:08 ago  | Demo Agent Here


The set command is used to set the value for one of the module’s configurable options. This command is used by specifying the name of the option that should be set followed by a value. Tab completion is enabled and provides a list of all configurable options.

Merlin[module][Invoke-Mimikatz]» set DumpCerts true
[+]DumpCerts set to true

set Agent

The Agent option for every module must be set in order for it have a target to execute on. By default, the module is configured with a blank value of 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. To set an agent, provide the agent’s ID (tab completion enabled).

Merlin[module][Invoke-Mimikatz]» set Agent c1090dbc-f2f7-4d90-a241-86e0c0217786
[+]agent set to c1090dbc-f2f7-4d90-a241-86e0c0217786

The special value all can be provided and instructs Merlin to execute the module on all agents. When this value is provided, the module’s agent option is set to all F’s like: ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff

Merlin[module][Invoke-Mimikatz]» set Agent all
[+] 2023-10-25T03:20:59Z set 'Agent' to: all



USAGE: show

The show command is used to show the module’s configurable options

Merlin[modules][windows/x64/powershell/powersploit/Invoke-Mimikatz]» show
[i] 2023-10-25T03:24:12Z
'Invoke-Mimikatz' module options

      NAME     | VALUE | REQUIRED |          DESCRIPTION
  Agent        |       | true     | Agent on which to run module
               |       |          | Invoke-Mimikatz
               |       | false    |
               |       | false    |
               |       | false    |
               |       | false    |
  DumpCreds    | true  | false    | [Switch]Use mimikatz to dump
               |       |          | credentials out of LSASS.
  DumpCerts    |       | false    | [Switch]Use mimikatz to export
               |       |          | all private certificates
               |       |          | (even if they are marked
               |       |          | non-exportable).
  Command      |       | false    | Supply mimikatz a custom
               |       |          | command line. This works
               |       |          | exactly the same as running
               |       |          | the mimikatz executable
               |       |          | like this: mimikatz
               |       |          | "privilege::debug exit" as an
               |       |          | example.
  ComputerName |       | false    | Optional, an array of
               |       |          | computernames to run the
               |       |          | script on.



USAGE: verbose

The verbose command is a switch used to enable or disable verbose output to the console.

Merlin» verbose
[+] 2023-10-19T12:40:44Z Verbose output enabled
Merlin» verbose
[+] 2023-10-19T12:40:46Z Verbose output disabled